About Us

Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan is a global non-profit organization that was working from 2022.

We believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and focuses on high-quality, low-cost and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system. that’s why they are fiercely committed to ensuring that children not only survive but thrive.

They run programs in the remotest corners of India and urban areas to provide quality education and healthcare, protection from harm and abuse, and life-saving aid during emergencies to children. And working directly with children and youth as well as through large-scale collaborations with government systems, programs reach millions of lives every year. 


Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan is working for few year to bring

holistic & sustainable changes

Our Focus Areas

  • Health

    Health 103.7 million people reached

    Assisting in medical emergencies, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent healthcare.

  • Education

    Education 0.32 million people reached

    Imparting 21st century skills like innovation, problem solving and leadership to adolescents.

  • Livelihood

    Livelihood 0.88 million people reached

    Developing a professional and entrepreneurial spirit among marginalised women and girls.

  • Disaster Relief

    Disaster Relief 13 million people reached

    Preparing communities for emergency mitigation, response and recovery.

Our Reach

  • mndirect reach
  • states
  • +districts
  • programmes

Here's How You can Help


93% of all our expenses go to our programme services

Our Partners

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Corporate and Registered Office

प्रमुख कार्यालय : रूम नंबर 765 राजीव गांधी नगर , जय भीम चला कमिटी धारावी बस डिपो के सामने धारावी मुंबई महाराष्ट्र 400017

Email : info@rashtriyadharm.in