About Us

Empowered women and girls can lift their entire families and communities out of poverty.

Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan is a global non-profit organization that was working from 2022.

We believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and focuses on high-quality, low-cost and replicable interventions to address gaps in the education system. that’s why they are fiercely committed to ensuring that children not only survive but thrive.

They run programs in the remotest corners of India and urban areas to provide quality education and healthcare, protection from harm and abuse, and life-saving aid during emergencies to children. And working directly with children and youth as well as through large-scale collaborations with government systems, programs reach millions of lives every year. 

The NGO is governed by an association independent of the government, implying that the government plays no role. It is a Non-Governmental Organization and a non-beneficial substance.  Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan works as a catalyst in the cycle of change, complementing and supplementing government efforts  to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. They include ensuring children in Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan supported projects have access to free and quality education, primary healthcare and are safe from violence, abuse, and exploitation. They also work towards reducing the rate of child malnutrition and make sure children’s voices are recognized in issues that affect them. Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan believes that there is a dire need for the school lunch programme to be replicated so that it realises the vision that “No child in India shall be deprived of education because of hunger.” Our work in this area is the collaboratively developing with the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), a Standard Operating Procedure for Care and Protection of Children in Street Situations. 

Why Donate?

India’s future depends on its children. Their future depends on YOU.

Children are the building blocks of our country, and they must be given the chance to reach their full potential. All children must have access to quality education, nutrition, and a secure environment in order to achieve this. We at Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan aspire to keep helping children in pursuing their aspirations and providing them with the childhoods they truly deserve with the help of generous donors.

Our overall goal is the empowerment of women and especially the girl child from poor and marginalized csommunities through holistic improvement in their lives.

The NGO has Pan India Operations and is championing the cause of Health, with greater focus on medical emergency support for Children, Quality Education, Access to clean water and Sanitation and Zero hunger. Its mission is to save lives of Children, eradicating hunger, detection, and treatment of malnutrition, and responding to emergency situations caused by natural disasters.

Their mission is to inspire and empower people in the culture of giving into changing the lives of the children in need and bringing smiles on their faces.

Rashtriya Dharm Hindu Sanghatan Aid,brings children living in poverty into reading and quality education. Over the past three decades, through its many programmes.

we conducted a census and survey of Street Children in five cities of India and found that there were nearly more then 85,000 children on the streets without a valid identity, place of shelter, proper education and health facilities.

Imagine what the future could hold if each one of us came together to support every child’s right to a happy childhood; because even the smallest acts of kindness and generosity make a big difference!.”

Core Values

  • Respect

    Upholding the dignity of each individual

  • Integrity

    Adhering to an ethical code of conduct in all actions

  • Commitment

    Fulfilling our duties and social responsibilities

  • Excellence

    Setting high performance standards and being accountable to them